# Usage
Tala moana! Filter of Kalandra is next level filter generator.
# Attention when using with Firefox
The following settings are required in your browser.
- Open
- Set
# Simple Usage
The simplest filter is applied as follows
Show "Simple Sample"
Class "Currency"
SetBackgroundColor 50 0 0 255
PlayAlertSound 1 300
It is almost the same as conventional writing style,
but you need a name after Show
This name is required.
This Script is converted as follows by compile.
# Simple Sample #
Class "Currency"
SetBackgroundColor 50 0 0 255
# Variable
Please click the 'Variable' on the top menu.
You will be able to find names like 'Currencies' or 'White Gems' and more.
These are 'Variable'.
You can use these by Var
Show "Variable Sample"
Class "Gem"
BaseType Var("White Gems")
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
This Script is converted as follows by compile.
# Variable Sample #
Class "Gem"
BaseType "Portal" "Detonate Mines"
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
You can add/remove variables free.
# Color
Please click the 'Color' on the top menu. This page makes color management easier. How to use 'Color' is exactly the same as 'Variable'.
Show "Color Sample"
Class "Currency"
SetBackgroundColor 50 0 0 255
SetTextColor Var("Currency Color")
# Color Sample #
Class "Currency"
SetBackgroundColor 50 0 0 255
SetTextColor 170 158 130 255
# Property
Please click the 'Property' on the top menu. You will be able to find script names, 'T1' and 'T2'. And you can also find some property names and values. These are 'Property'.
You can use these by Prop
Show "Property Sample"
Class "Map"
MapTier >= Prop("Show Map Tire")
SetBackgroundColor 10 10 10 255
This Script is converted as follows two files by compile.
# Property Sample #
Class "Map"
MapTier >= 0
SetBackgroundColor 10 10 10 255
# Property Sample #
Class "Map"
MapTier >= 11
SetBackgroundColor 10 10 10 255
This generator can create multiple files at once!
You can add/remove property free. However, the maximum number of scripts is three (Current version).
# Fork and Mixin
and Mixin
is very important keyword.
First, please look at the script below.
Show "Fork Sample"
Class "Map"
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 32
Fork "Rarity"
Show "Unique"
Rarity Unique
SetTextColor Var("Unique Item Color")
Show "Rare"
Rarity Rare
SetTextColor Var("Rare Item Color")
Show "Magic"
Rarity Magic
SetTextColor Var("Magic Item Color")
Show "Normal"
Rarity Normal
SetTextColor Var("Normal Item Color")
This Script is converted as follows by compile.
# Fork Sample #
# Rarity is "Unique"
Class "Map"
Rarity Unique
SetFontSize 32
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetTextColor 175 96 37 255
# Rarity is "Rare"
Class "Map"
Rarity Rare
SetFontSize 32
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetTextColor 255 255 119 255
# Rarity is "Magic"
Class "Map"
Rarity Magic
SetFontSize 32
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetTextColor 136 136 255 255
# Rarity is "Normal"
Class "Map"
Rarity Normal
SetFontSize 32
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetTextColor 200 200 200 255
Next, please look at the script below.
Show "Mixin Sample"
Class "Gem"
SetBorderColor Var("Skill Gem Color")
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor Var("Skill Gem Color")
SetFontSize 32
Mixin "Level"
Show "High Level"
GemLevel >= 18
SetFontSize 38
Show "Middle Level"
GemLevel >= 10
SetFontSize 36
This Script is converted as follows by compile.
# Mixin Sample #
# Level is "High Level"
Class "Gem"
GemLevel >= 18
SetBorderColor 27 162 155 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 38
# Level is "Middle Level"
Class "Gem"
GemLevel >= 10
SetBorderColor 27 162 155 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 36
# Level is Any
Class "Gem"
SetBorderColor 27 162 155 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 32
This means that all Gem colors are specified, while those with
- GemLevel equal to or larger than 18 are setFontSize 38
- and those with GemLevel equal to or larger than 10 are indicated with SetFontSize 36.
Let's see a more complicated sample.
Show "Complex Mixin Sample"
Class "Gems"
SetBorderColor Var("Skill Gem Color")
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor Var("Skill Gem Color")
SetFontSize 32
Mixin "Level"
Show "High Level"
GemLevel >= 18
SetFontSize 38
Show "Middle Level"
GemLevel >= 10
SetFontSize 36
Mixin "Special"
Show "Drop Only"
BaseType Var("Drop Only Gems")
SetBorderColor 70 70 0
Show "'E' Series"
BaseType Var("'E' Series Gems")
SetBorderColor 70 0 0
This Script is converted as follows by compile.
# Complex Mixin Sample #
# Level is "High Level" - Special is "Drop Only"
Class "Gems"
GemLevel >= 18
BaseType "#'E' Series Gems" "#White Gems" "Added Chaos Damage Support" "Vaal"
SetBorderColor 70 70 0 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 38
# Level is "High Level" - Special is "'E' Series"
Class "Gems"
GemLevel >= 18
BaseType "Enhance Support" "Enlighten Support" "Empower Support"
SetBorderColor 70 0 0 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 38
# Level is "High Level" - Special is Any
Class "Gems"
GemLevel >= 18
SetBorderColor 27 162 155 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 38
# Level is "Middle Level" - Special is "Drop Only"
Class "Gems"
GemLevel >= 10
BaseType "#'E' Series Gems" "#White Gems" "Added Chaos Damage Support" "Vaal"
SetBorderColor 70 70 0 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 36
# Level is "Middle Level" - Special is "'E' Series"
Class "Gems"
GemLevel >= 10
BaseType "Enhance Support" "Enlighten Support" "Empower Support"
SetBorderColor 70 0 0 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 36
# Level is "Middle Level" - Special is Any
Class "Gems"
GemLevel >= 10
SetBorderColor 27 162 155 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 36
# Level is Any - Special is "Drop Only"
Class "Gems"
BaseType "#'E' Series Gems" "#White Gems" "Added Chaos Damage Support" "Vaal"
SetBorderColor 70 70 0 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 32
# Level is Any - Special is "'E' Series"
Class "Gems"
BaseType "Enhance Support" "Enlighten Support" "Empower Support"
SetBorderColor 70 0 0 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 32
# Level is Any - Special is Any
Class "Gems"
SetBorderColor 27 162 155 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 27 162 155 255
SetFontSize 32
This means that gems with 'High Level' and 'Drop Only' gets SetFontSize 36 and SetBorderColor is yellow.
and Mixin
can nest.
Hide "Nested Mixin Sample"
Class "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armours" "Helmets" "Shields"
Mixin "Rarity"
Hide "Rare"
Rarity Rare
SetFontSize 45
SetBackgroundColor Var("Rare Item Color")
Mixin "Shaper/Elder"
Show "Shaper"
ShaperItem True
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 255 200
MinimapIcon Largest Blue Triangle
PlayEffect White
Show "Elder"
ElderItem True
SetBackgroundColor 20 20 255 200
MinimapIcon Largest Brown Triangle
PlayEffect White
Hide "Magic"
Rarity Magic
SetFontSize 36
Hide "Normal"
Rarity Normal
SetFontSize 18
This Script is converted as follows by compile.
# Nested Mixin Sample #
# Rarity is "Rare" - Shaper/Elder is "Shaper"
Class "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armours" "Helmets" "Shields"
Rarity Rare
ShaperItem True
SetFontSize 45
PlayEffect White
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 255 200
# Rarity is "Rare" - Shaper/Elder is "Elder"
Class "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armours" "Helmets" "Shields"
Rarity Rare
ElderItem True
SetFontSize 45
PlayEffect White
SetBackgroundColor 20 20 255 200
# Rarity is "Rare" - Shaper/Elder is Any
Class "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armours" "Helmets" "Shields"
Rarity Rare
DisableDropSound True
SetFontSize 45
# Rarity is "Magic"
Class "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armours" "Helmets" "Shields"
Rarity Magic
DisableDropSound True
SetFontSize 36
# Rarity is "Normal"
Class "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armours" "Helmets" "Shields"
Rarity Normal
DisableDropSound True
SetFontSize 18
# Rarity is Any
Class "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armours" "Helmets" "Shields"
DisableDropSound True